Welcome to Shock Mitigation Technologies Inc.
A Delaware Registered C Corporation
2016 Innovate Product Awards
I want to thank CONNECT and the Panel of Distinguished Judges for this very special entrepreneurial event. It is an honor and a privilege to be here with such premier cutting edge San Diego product finalists.

Introduction DAMPS Technology Footwear (Directional Axial Magnetic Propulsion Systems)
We have to really utilize footwear as transportation, not just a logo. If you don’t please move to the right lane, it’s a hard road out there. We want to lighten your load.
What is Shock Mitigation? Shock Mitigation is the time delay in load force disbursement.
We first proved that concept with our first USSOCOM military contact in 2004 and proving it ever since.
A person’s heel strikes the ground at 2-3 times their body weight per square inch each and every step. DAMPS reduces heel strike over 68%. That means a warrior, anyone can walk 10 miles and save his or herself the shock of 7 miles. Heel strike shock quickly adds up to tons of pressure on the foot and lower extremities.

F-Scan is the leader in pressure surface mapping typically utilized for diabetic patients to monitor pressure points on the foot.

Plantar Fasciitis is the painful inflammatory condition of the foot caused by excessive wear and impact to the plantar fascia - http://www.plantar-fasciitis.org/
Heel Strike injury is the number one injury seen by Podiatrists
Low back problems are the number two cause of employee downtime
Social Media Branding @MagnetBootGuy
Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Branding Aphorism’s, 196K posts since 2009
Start of the Day End of the Day We Stand on Two Things Our Word and Our Feet
You’re Either One Foot Ahead or Two Feet Behind
We have Smart phones why not choose Smart Footwear

“Relatively speaking, we’ve got to be smarter than our shoes.” LOL
DAMPS has no industry shock mitigation comparables
Shoe companies that claim shock mitigation are selling well, only further proving our superior technology performance market.
Premium one of a kind technology shock mitigation Branding. A Ferrari priced like a ZR-1 Corvette. Retro marketing comparable from the day with Bell Helmets. “If you have a ten dollar head wear a ten dollar helmet.”

Two (2) Design Patents, (One new this year) 15 years
One Utility patent pending (First USPTO Office Action November 15, 2016)
International Design coverage via the Haig convention; 33 countries in the European Union and Japan
Proprietary Trade Secret Rubber Outsole Formulation developed with Good Year Tire & Rubber (Brown vs adidas)
More to Door Sales Marketing

USSOCOM contract 2004 (Proof of Shock Mitigation)
Ten years post operator evaluation in all operator combat areas and Iraq.
Feb 2014 Shock Mitigation Program Experiment Invitation only event from the SOF operators. Results DAMPS MKV Smart Boots with LOM were called the super stars of the show. A very very proud moment!! USA!

For Your Eyes Only
Pending FY2016-2017 ONR (Office of Naval Research) Program Award MKV/Delta < 9 > Smart Boots with “Load OFF Modular” (LOM) the world’s first interchangeable heel
Mission/Application Specific Weight Technology Shock System.

Leidos formerly SAIC Jon Nussbaum POC since 1998
Seal Team 4 Program Evaluation Norfolk or Tampa; CCA (Combat Craft Attack)
While this chosen path has taken many extra years, we dually chose this route to also assist us in licensing commercial and medical footwear licensing partners introductions.
VI Commercial Licensing & Ancillary Markets
Show prototypes MKV DTI’s and Outsoles
Military, commercial work/professional,
Women’s footwear markets.
Technology is Fashion, FITN (Footwear Integrated Technology Now)

Medical Device footwear markets; military testing data to be utilized in a 510(k) Medical Device for the prevention and treatment of lower extremity impact injury plantar fasciitis and diabetic foot pressure treatment.
Plantar Fasciitis (Heel strike injury) is the number One injury seen by podiatrists.
Low back problems are the number two cause of employee downtime.
Ancillary Heads UP
Patent pending , Shock Mitigation Helmet Liner (Ed Hochuli Head of Referees’ Association works out at my gym)
Reached out to NFL Payers Representative D Maurice Smith
Roger Goodell is very hard to reach.
Seven computer simulation models, Ready for 2016 NOCSAE; Drop Testing and Side Impact Ram testing for license introductions.
It’s great that the NFL has recognized the problem and is sensor monitoring helmet to helmet player contact from the side lines and there is concussion protocol it is changing the game forever.
While a concussion proof helmet is only theoretical, our computer testing demonstrates we can reduce linear and rotation impact force right now.
Demo MKV Prototype DTI/Outsole and Women’s FITN Prototypes
Projections in a $65 Billion Footwear Market
Our product ramp up is 250k pairs year one to 5 million pairs year five, puts DAMPS into nine figure sales in three years.
While we love and honor our military and it’s warriors, it is not the optimum business model for our ramp up funding. The military provides a strategic concurrent partnership for our funding efforts, that moves us forward. Investors now it’s our job. We can be miles ahead in ancillary markets, not waiting for politics to clear.
Looking for $ 5.5 Million in Convertible Debt/Equity Funding for USA based License Manufacturing Ramps Up (8% Interest and Equity Stake)
Projected Investor Payback year two
Demand Readiness; Automation implementation begins year one completed in second year
Disabled veteran labor force to start
DAMPS I Advisory Board
NBA Hall of Famer Bill Walton
Ed Stone President of Boot World San Diego and Las Vegas
Dr. John A. Ciccone DPM (Now Deceased)
Harold Barry 35 years in the footwear industry (Now deceased)
Bob Hollenbaugh, forty years in the footwear industry. Helped develop the first cold weather boot for the military
Jon Nussbaum Military
Target Licensee’s
NIKE A Premium Branded Technology Acquisition would be strategic for a Public company to assist their Converse boot brand’s market penetration, at minimum. An acquisition could influence their stock sufficient to pay or offset the cost of licensing.
Vibram (Outsoles)
Rocky (Boots)
HH Brown (Womens) Warren Buffet’s Group
Mark Fisher (Womens) From MAGIC/Platform Show in LV
Riddell (Helmet Liner)
Bravo Sports (Helmet Liner)
Unicorn Licensees’ (Footwear is Transportation)
General Motors
Exclusive brick and mortar POP demonstrations with online ordering in place with DAMPS Kiosk’s at dealerships with our support representatives.
Co op performance marketing potential